A chance of conducting Mata's Jagran/Chowki is very auspicious for all the devotees of Maa, but sometimes we are not capable enough to conduct the auspicious affair on our own.
This platform will help you to connect with those who want to conduct Mata's Jagran/ Chowki as passion / kripa (free of cost).
Name | Contact No. | City | Jagran/Chowki | Month |
Suresh Kumaar | 8527458950 | Delhi | chowki | October 2018 |
Name | Contact No. | City | Jagran / Chowki |
Phoolon Wali Mandali | 9810575576 | Delhi | chowki |
If you have any question regarding our club, you can send us your message by fill up the forms. We will be very happy to hear from you.
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